Study on the community corrections and the styles of criminal execution. 社区矫正行刑方式观探微。
In a word, the author think that it is necessary to be made an independent, complete criminal exaction Law to regulate the procedure of the criminal ( execution in China) and complete the criminal Laws including criminal law, criminal procedure Law and Criminal execution law. 必须创制一部独立、完整的刑事执行法典来进一步规范我国刑事执行程序,完善包括实体性的刑法、程序性的刑事诉讼法和执行性的刑事执行法在内的刑事法律体系。
Criminal execution law is one of three mainstay subjects in criminal jurisprudence system which parallels to criminal law and criminal procedure law. However, it is most easily ignored in practice. 刑事执行法是与刑法、刑事诉讼法并列的刑事法学体系的三大主干学科之一,但是在实践中最容易遭到忽视。
So, we should study and solve the equipment of the bodies of criminal execution. 因此,对刑事执行主体配置问题必须认真研究和妥善解决,并予以完善。
A study on the Issue of Improving penal Supervision against the Background of the Integration of Criminal Execution 刑事执行一体化背景下完善刑罚监督问题研究
The bodies of criminal execution is the country's bodies that execute penalty according to laws. 刑事执行主体是指依照法律规定执行刑罚的有关国家机关。
The reform and the practice concerning the integration of the criminal execution system will, to some degree, cast an influence on the function of the supervision system of penal execution. 刑事执行一体化的改革与实践,必将在一定程度上影响到刑罚执行法律监督制度的执行。
The specific properties such as nature, constitution and legal facts of criminal legal relationship are the important theoretical basis for drafting The Criminal Execution Law. 刑事法律关系在性质、构成以及刑事执行法律事实方面所具有的特殊属性,是制定刑事执行法典的重要理论依据。
Meanwhile, the practice has put forward new requirement against traditional principles and methods for criminal execution, being as what kind of concept and methods should be used to satisfy the demand of practicing community-based correction. 与此同时,未成年犯社区矫正实践对我国传统的刑罚执行理念与方法提出了新的要求,即究竟应该以什么样的观念和方法来满足未成年犯社区矫正实践的需要。
According to the broad sense of criminal policy, the author further divides the criminal policy into 4 classes: criminal legislation policy, criminal justice policy, criminal execution policy and criminal social policy. 根据广义刑事政策观,作者进而将刑事政策分为刑事立法政策、刑事司法政策、刑事执行政策和刑事社会政策四大类,从而基本确定了刑事政策的范围。
It's a generally received opinion that community corrections are the styles of criminal execution in China, but the conception is harm to take a long view. 在我国,将社区矫正视为与监禁矫正相对的行刑方式,是一种比较普遍的观点,但是从长远看,这种观点是非常有害的。因而有必要对其进行反思。
Based on this, the author dissects separately the interior structure of criminal legislation policy, criminal justice policy, criminal execution policy and criminal social policy, and points out that each part is an organic integrity composed of several sub-systems. 在此基础上,作者还分别对刑事立法政策、刑事司法政策、刑事执行政策和刑事社会政策的内在结构进行了剖析,指出每一部分又都是由若干子系统构成的一个有机整体。
On the Legal Relationship of Criminal Execution 刑事执行法律关系探析
Criminal execution is the criminal judicial activity that judicial body executes the court's effective judgments. 刑事执行是司法机关将人民法院生效判决、裁定附诸实施的刑事司法活动。
It's normal that we'll meet with a lot of difficulty in the realization of the integration of our national criminal execution legislation and the integration of the criminal execution when we draw up a uniform criminal execution law. 制定统一的刑事执行法,实现我国刑事执行立法一体化和刑事执行一体化必然会遇到许多困难,这是十分正常的。
As a judicial activity to realize the effective judgement, criminal execution occupies an important position in state's legal construction. 刑事执行作为实现生效裁判所确定的内容的执法活动,在国家法制建设中占有重要的地位。
The system of criminal laws should be an entirety of criminal substantive laws, criminal procedural laws and criminal execution laws. 刑事法律体系应是由刑事实体法、刑事程序法和刑事执行法构成的一个统一的整体。
Court in the Field of Criminal Execution: The Analysis of the Power and Function 刑事执行场域中的法院:权力与功能的分析
The third part, the specific "law of criminal execution" was suggested to be enacted by the view of execution integrity, in order to regulate the parole execution even the whole penalty execution. 第三部分,从行刑一体化的角度,建议制定专门的《刑事执行法》,规范我国假释执行乃至整个刑罚执行活动。
The non-custodial penalty measures means taking non-imprisonment way to make criminal execution, but the non-custodial penalty refers to manifestation of the basic or supplementary punishment application is non imprisonment. 非监禁刑罚措施即在监狱之外对犯罪人适用的各种刑罚方法以及刑罚执行制度的总称。而非监禁刑指的是某一主刑或者附加刑适用的表现形式是非监禁的。
Criminal execution is the legal specialized state organs will determine the court already has the legal effect of the criminal judicative paper content into practice activities. 刑事执行是法定的国家专门机关将法院作出的已经发生法律效力的刑事裁判文书确定的内容付诸实施的活动。
Stems from the Western country the community to rectify the system is aims at the criminal execution of punishment one special system, this system is after aiming at the criminal crime the education saving work designs. 源于西方国家的社区矫正制度是针对犯罪者刑罚执行的一种特殊制度,这种制度是为了针对犯罪者犯罪后的教育挽救工作而设计。
Part six of this chapter addresses on supervision of criminal execution and talks over the disposition of power of supervision to criminal execution. 第六节则着重对刑事执行监督进行了阐述,讨论了刑事执行监督权力的配置问题。
It reflects not only the teleological principle of penal education and the economic principle of criminal punishment, but also the trend of criminal execution individualization and socialization. 它不仅体现刑罚教育目的论原则和刑罚经济原则,反映刑罚个别化和行刑社会化的潮流,而且在实践中有激励罪犯改造功能、变更刑罚执行的调控功能以及罪犯复归社会的功能。
The first section discusses the concept and the features of the criminal execution. 本章首先阐述了刑事执行的概念与特点,指出刑事执行既包括刑事诉讼中的执行,也包括刑罚执行活动中的行政行为。
In ancient China, the legislation of the criminal execution has the trait of combination of all laws. 我国古代的刑事执行立法,存在诸法合体、实体与程序不分的特点。
The legislatures should pay attention to the defect on the purpose of legislation, subject qualification, performance of obligation and responsibility, especially on the criminal execution of release on medical parole which have merely legislation regulations. 立法层面,对于刑事保证人的立法目的、主体资格、保证义务的履行以及责任追究方面都存在着缺陷,尤其对于刑事执行过程中的保外就医,出现了立法缺位现象,应当引起立法机关的重视。
The alteration procedure of the execution means the legal procedure of altering the execution place or content when the new situations appear during the criminal execution. 执行变更程序指在生效裁判的执行过程中,由于出现了新情况,需要对生效裁判的内容或者执行的场所进行变更时的法定程序。
There are problems and disadvantages in the supervising of criminal execution. 目前刑事执行检察监督中存在一定的问题和弊端。
The appearance and the development of community correction represent the mainstream of the reform of the present international criminal execution system. 社区矫正的兴起和发展代表了当今国际刑事执行制度变革的主流方向。